Saturday, December 5, 2009

'And they're valuable these things?' 'Unbelievably valuable especially the cubes. Worth mining through a mountain of granite as we say . . . er that's a dwarf we not a copper "we" sir. ' 'So digging through a few thousand tons.

Days ago Fate (the perisher) sends him a telegram--two on 'em--tellin' 'im to meet you in a wood an' signed with--with your name both on 'em--" At this she cried out and would have risen but his kindly clasp checked her. "I--sent no telegram!" she whispered. "Me an' Joe an' the Spider know that now miss. But anyway to this 'ere wood the Guv do 'aste away an' in this wood Fate's a-layin' for 'im.
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A little more control. "And they put the Cory Maddox Brand Box backup into Rini so she was all of Cory and Rini too. Now this place has synced us up the last little bit so data are treating both as one and Cory now has all of Rini's memories just as Rini has all of Cory's. Identical minds plus identical data equals identiВ­cal people. " She laughed. "Well I declaiah! Mah goodness! Poah Rick's gonna have a real problem isn't he?" We nodded. "Considering there's another Rini lying in an LSU at Saddle Mountain. " She sighed. "Well we'll be theah in just a couple moah minВ­utes. We got to fly a soaht of pattahn to keep the air fohce off oah tails. Othawise we'da been theah by the time y'all got heah. " In point of fact we felt a slight thump and there was a feelВ­ing of powering down and even the sound of.
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